Photography Gallery of Longwood Gardens at Night

Longwood Gardens at nightThe Main Fountain at Longwood Gardens
The Conservatory Is In The Background

Step into a world at night where shadows dance, colors ignite, and photo ops are born. This photography gallery from my photo shoot at Longwood Gardens shows you how this unique travel destination in Pennsylvania transforms after sunset.

Prepare to join me and be mesmerized by the ethereal glow of illuminated fountains, the enchanting silhouettes of  trees, both tall and short, and the breathtaking reflections that shimmer on the water's surface.

This small collection of photos invites you to step into this enchanting realm and capture the magic for yourself.

Indoor Nighttime Photos

In addition to all of the outside light displays that come to life once it gets dark, there are plenty of pleasing subjects to photograph. Both of the photos below were taken in the East conservatory at Longwood.

Indoors Longwood Gardens at NightIndoors Longwood Gardens at Night

Inside Main conservatory at Longwood GardensInside Main conservatory at Longwood Gardens

In this first photo with the poinsettia in the foreground I turned my camera to a vertical orientation and used a wide angle lens to include the foreground and the lit up tree in the background. For the photo of the snowy tree lit in blue I needed to set my ISO very high (ISO 6400) to get a good exposure for this dimly lit holiday scene.

These night time photos of Longwood contrast remarkably with the photos I captured during the day and posted in my article titled:  Through The Lens at Longwood Gardens.

Spectacular light show at night with the fountains is next.

Fountain light show at Longwood GardensFountain light show at Longwood Gardens

West conservatory at Longwood GardensWest conservatory at Longwood Gardens

Winter trees lit with blueWinter trees lit with blue

Christmas Lights at LongwoodChristmas Lights at Longwood

It's your turn to vote!  Pick a favorite of the two photos below-or another  in this article-by saving it to Pinterest.

Blue tree at Longwood GardensBlue tree at Longwood Gardens

West conservatory reflectionWest conservatory reflection

Longwood Gardens Colors at SunsetLongwood Gardens Colors at Sunset

I hope this small gallery of nighttime Longwood Gardens photos has inspired you to come visit this splendid location near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. With a decent camera and the application of good compositional technique you can get great photos too.

Bruce Lovelace portrait

Bruce Lovelace is the publisher of Bruce shot portraits full time for over 35 years. Now he shoots more travel photography.  Read more about him on the About Page. He also publishes how to articles and camera gear reviews at the  Photography Tips and Canon Geek websites.

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